One of the many factors that improve synthesized image perception is the haze. It is generated as a result of diffraction and absorption of the sunlight by atmospheric aerosol. The aerosol concentration drop along with the altitude rise leads to more transparent atmosphere. Isotropic model is built with no attention to this fact. Our anisotropic atmospheric model allows for consideration of atmospheric absorption and diffusion and adds to the realism of the scene.
Figure 1 - Isotropic model
Figure 2 - Anisotropic model
Above Figures show synthesized image examples using isotropic and anisotropic models. On the left, visibility is 12.5 miles, on the right - 0.5 mile for the same scene.
Figure 3 - Fog formation
The cloud layer is another factor that significantly improves the image quality. The effective model of forming cloud clusters has been developed. It allows to achieve realistic 3D cloud images and control their parameters, that is, shape, opacity, location in real time.
а) b) c)
Figure 4 - Clouds types: a) - cumulus; b) - cirrocumulus; c) - cirrus.
Manipulating the model parameters yields a variety of different clouds types, see Figure 4. This model can be applied to forming related special effects - smoke, airplane condensation trails, etc.